Oh look, I see a bandwagon, I'd better jump on it! ...Kidding. But who doesn't have their dream cosplays? Here are some of mine, in no particular order:
1. Tali'Zorah vas Neema - Mass Effect 2
2. Dervish: Primeval armor - Guild Wars
3. Panty Anarchy (Angel) - Panty Stocking and Garterbelt

We've done cop and normal, might as well do the whole set, right?
4. Dead Master - Black Rock Shooter

5. Ashlotte- Soul Calibur IV
6. A.B.A - Guilty Gear
7. Big Sister - Bioshock 2
8. White Rock Shooter - Black Rock Shooter
What is this I don't even
9. Caterina Sforza - Trinity Blood Artbook

I know for a fact there are plenty that I am forgetting, but this will probably be updated later.